
How to bridge the digital divide in education?

How to bridge the digital divide in education?

The recent news about a young Kenyan boy, Martin Obila who walked on foot for over 50 kms to reach his dream school to reason with the authorities about his family’s inadequacy at paying hefty school fee is one in many stories wherein aspiring, talented students and their family are not in a position to

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Technology in Primary Schools

Technology in Primary Schools

Why is it important to promote technological tools of learning in primary schools?  The answer to this question is a fairly simple one. Primary schools are the formative years of learning and development and are an important part of educational hierarchy which is crucial in shaping the future generation of a nation.

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Building Economy on the Crux of Knowledge

Building Economy on the Crux of Knowledge

In the last one decade a lot has been written and spoken about the virtues of a knowledge-based economy. Planners, economists and visionaries from around the world are of the opinion that economies that are driven by knowledge shall emerge to be the role model for development and prosperity.

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Will Kenyan Government’s Ambitious Plan to Digitize School Education Succeed?

Will Kenyan Government’s Ambitious Plan to Digitize School Education Succeed?

Kenya’s hope to become the seat of education in the whole of Africa is not a new-found dream. Historical records namely the Swahili manuscript “Utendi Wa Tambuka” attests that Kenyan people had access to education to a date as far back as 1728. During the colonial ear the missionaries tried to establish many schools based

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The Vision for Change

The Vision for Change

In the coming years, Kenya is expected to become the ICT hub of Africa. The Kenyan government is taking keen interest to develop the country on the lines of modernity and technological innovation and the 2017 Master Plan is the embodiment of that. As per the plan, the government has taken initiative to connect every

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How can Technology Empower Education in Developing Countries?

How can Technology Empower Education in Developing Countries?

In every field whether literature, science or art there is a Golden age, where great minds work together to discover a style or trend that paves way for future findings. This is also true in the area of Technology as well. 21st century is undisputedly the Golden Ear of Technological discovery that has changed a

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